The Maya Calendar Explained – Myths, Facts, and Misconceptions

The Maya Calendar Explained

The Maya calendar is a fascinating and intricate timekeeping system that reflects the cerebral prowess of one of Mesoamerica’s most influential civilizations. Often overshadowed by a cloud of misunderstandings and sensational myths, the actual significance of the Maya calendar is both profound and complex. Many people recognize it merely for the predictions it supposedly made … Read more

Mayan Empire Timeline – Rise, Glory and Collapse

Mayan Empire Timeline

The Mayan Empire, one of Mesoamerica’s most fascinating civilizations, boasts a rich history that spans thousands of years. The timeline of the Maya reveals the intricate tapestry of their rise, glory, and eventual decline. From as early as 7000 B.C. to the Spanish conquest in the 16th century, the Mayans thrived in regions now part … Read more